What is Homeopathy?


A natural system for health and healing

Homeopathy is a natural, holistic system of medicine that stimulates the body’s own healing power to clear imbalances, promote health, and facilitate healing.
For over 200 years, homeopathy has helped millions of people all over the world heal from all kinds of illness.

The use of homeopathic medicines, also called remedies, is based on the discovery that natural substances are capable of curing the same symptoms that they cause in a healthy person.

By studying the symptoms that develop when a healthy person tests or “proves” a remedy, homeopaths can determine which remedy can bring balance and cure a patient.

What are the benefits of Homeopathy?

  • 100% natural and safe, has no side-effects, is non-toxic, cruelty free, and environmentally friendly.
  • Individualized to each person and promotes your body’s natural healing system.
  • Can treat and heal chronic and acute conditions.
  • Can reduce or eliminate drug dependency.
  • It treats the whole person, improves your immune system and works on the physical, emotional, and mental levels.
  • Aimed at healing, rather than a “Band-Aid” approach of symptomatic treatment.
  • Homeopathy can be used by pregnant and nursing women.
  • It can be used by newborns, children, youth, adults, and seniors.
  • It does not interfere with other medications.
  • It is non-invasive and non-suppressive.
  • Homeopathy has a long history of healing millions of people across the world.
  • Homeopathy is very affordable.

What is a Homeopathic Remedy?

 A homeopathic remedy is a highly diluted natural substance.
In the non-diluted state, these substances would cause the same symptoms the patient is trying to cure. 
In pure and highly diluted doses, homeopathic remedies will help the human healing system to bring cure, balance, and wholeness to the patient.

Core Principles of Homeopathy

Like Cures Like

Something that in large doses creates the symptoms of a disease, will, in a highly diluted state, cure it.


Homeopathy is a holistic medicine and takes into consideration the whole person to find the correct remedy.

Ultra Dilution

An extremely high dilution enhances the medicine’s healing properties and eliminates harmful side effects.

How was homeopathy discovered?

In 1796, a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, discovered a different approach to health and healing that he called homeopathy (from the Greek words meaning ‘similar suffering’).  

Like Hippocrates two thousand years earlier, he discovered the Law of Similars or “Like cures Like” in treating patients.  Homeopathy is an effective and scientific system of healing which assists the natural tendency of the body to heal itself. It recognizes that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the whole patient that needs treatment, not the disease.

What will the treatment be like?

A homeopathic consultation is a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive environment. To find the right remedy, during your consultation, I will need to know more about you. A detailed understanding of who you are, along with any complaints—physical, mental, and emotional, and how you experience them is needed to assess your case. 

 Everything you say is held in the strictest confidence.  The initial consultation is generally from 2-3 hours.  After assessing your case, I will give you a remedy and a follow up will be scheduled.

Disclaimer: This web site is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for the advice or care of your physician or healthcare professional. It does not prescribe treatments, therapies, or diagnose any illness, condition, or disease. In the event that you use any of the information from this website, the owner, authors, and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions or outcomes.

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